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Reshaping Data


For a primer on tidy data read

{% endhint %}

Example: Data Reshaping with krangl

val climate = dataFrameOf(
        "city", "coast_distance", "1995", "2000", "2005")(
        "Dresden", 400, 343, 252, 423,
        "Frankfurt", 534, 534, 435, 913)
     city   coast_distance   1995   2000   2005
  Dresden              400    343    252    423
Frankfurt              534    534    435    913
climate. gather("year", "rainfall", columns = { matches("[0-9]*")} )
     city   coast_distance   year   rainfall
  Dresden              400   1995        343
Frankfurt              534   1995        534
  Dresden              400   2000        252
Frankfurt              534   2000        435
  Dresden              400   2005        423
Frankfurt              534   2005        913


colummns use function literals again, with column names type as receiver

Example: Data Ingestion with krangl

        .apply { print() }
        .separate("user", listOf("last_name", "first_name","age"), convert = true)
        .apply { print() }
        .apply { glimpse() }
last_name   first_name   age
   brandl       holger    37
DataFrame with 1 observations
last_name  : [Str]  , [brandl]
first_name : [Str]  , [holger]
age        : [Int]  , [37]

Digest objects into attribute columns

Cherry-pick properties with Iterable<T>.deparseRecords

val deparsedDF = records.deparseRecords { mapOf(
    "age" to it.age, 
    "weight" to it.mean_weight
) }

Be lazy and use reflection

data class Person(val name:String, val age:Int)
val persons :List<Person> = listOf(Person("Max", 23), Person("Anna", 43))

val personsDF: DataFrame = persons.asDataFrame() 

age   name
 23   Max
 43   Anna

List/object columns

krangl supports arbitrary types per column

val persons: DataFrame = dataFrameOf("person")(persons) 
   Person(name=Max, age=23)
   Person(name=Anna, age=43)
DataFrame with 2 observations
person  : [Any] , [Person(name=Max, age=23), Person(name=Anna, age=43)]

Unfold objects into columns

  • similar to separate() but for object columns

data class Person(val name:String, val age:Int)
val persons :Iterable<Person> = listOf(Person("Max", 22), Person("Anna", 23))

val df : DataFrame = dataFrameOf("person")(persons)


Expand properties of person into columns via reflection

var personsDF = df.
    unfold<Person>("person", keep=true) 
    // unfold<Person>("person", select=listOf("age"))

["person", "name", "age"]

Let krangl define the schema

Infer a schema with

which makes krangl to print the Kotlin data class schema for data frame:

data class Iris(val sepalLength: Double, val sepalWidth: Double, val petalLength: Double, 
                val petalWidth: Double, val species: String)

val records: Iterable<Iris> = irisData.rowsAs<Iris>()

Paste it back into workflow code and continue with typed objects!

[ Iris(sepalLength=5.1, sepalWidth=3.5, petalLength=1.4, petalWidth=0.2, species=setosa) ]