class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # A wild ride through New York City ## Building Data Science Workflows with Kotlin
--- # The data-scien[ce|tists] life cycle .center[] * Python: `pandas` + `scikit-learn` + `matplotlib`/`seaborn` + `jupyter` * R: `readr` + `tidyr` + `dplyr` + `ggplot2` + `caret`/`broom` + `knitr` * JVM, and Kotlin in particular? ??? Def Data Scientist from > half hacker, half analyst, they use data to build products and find insights or >> Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician. --- background-image: url(images/java_reading.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 90% # Can we do data science with Kotlin? Are the language and tooling suited and ready for data science? ### Can we express typical data problems and workflows? ### Is there an interactive shell? ### How to manipulation typed and untyped data? ### How to do data visualization? ### How to build reports & Notebook Support? -- ## So can we? We wont' know without trying! ??? Should we? Yes, because * R & Python fail to be scalable & robust solutions for data science * Java is known for great dependency tooling & scalability * Java as a language is less well suited for data-science (cluttered, legacy bits) --- background-image: url(images/nyc.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, inverse, center </p> # Predict NYC Taxi Trip Durations with Kotlin ??? Image source (public domain) --- class: middle, inverse # Kotlin Stack for Data Science ## Interactive Shell ### Manipulation of typed and untyped data ### Data Visualization ### Report Rendering & Notebook Support --- # IDE console and terminal REPL need more work .left-column50[ * [KT-11409]( Add action "Send Selection To Kotlin Console" * [KT-7100]( REPL: Allow adding a library to the classpath * [KT-21224]( ) Incorrect alignment of commands and outputs in REPL * [KT-13319]( - REPL: support ":paste" for pasting multi-line expressions > ### Overall usability not yet _en par_ with R or python ] .right-column50[  ] ??? project structure too rigid (varying dependencies between scripts) --- class: inverse # `khud/sparklin` .center[] > `sparklin` is a proof-of-concept software that includes a experimental new Kotlin REPL (aka `KShell`) which supports extensions and custom commands via a plugin system. --- # How to start a `kshell`? No proper launcher in repo yet, but meanwhile we can use [` `]( `krangl_example.kts`: ```kotlin @file:DependsOn("com.offbytwo:docopt:") @file:DependsOn("de.mpicbg.scicomp:krangl:0.10.2") import krangl.sleepData // ignored when spawning shell"total_sleep") // ignored when spawning shell ``` Spawn your data-science shell with: ```bash krangl_example.kts ``` ```bash Preparing interactive session by resolving script dependencies... [1] import krangl.* [2] irisData.schema() DataFrame with 150 observations Sepal.Length [Dbl] 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5, 5.4, 4.6, 5, 4.8, 4.8, 4.3, 5.8, 5.7, 5.4,... Sepal.Width [Dbl] 3.5, 3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3, 3, 4, 4.4, 3.9, 3.5... Petal.Length [Dbl] 1.4, 1.4, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.4, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, ... Petal.Width [Dbl] 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, ... Species [Str] setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, s... [6] ``` --- class: middle, inverse # Kotlin Stack for Data Science ### Interactive Shell ## Manipulation of typed and untyped data ### Data Visualization ### Report Rendering & Notebook Support --- # What about Kotlin stdlib? * Great collection API * * Useful IO utilities like `File.readLines()` * `map`, `fold`, `filter`, `reduce` are cool and fun * Great string manipulation helpers * Grouping API ```kotlin data class User(val firstName: String?, val lastName: String, val age: Int, val hasSudo: Boolean?) val users = listOf(User(...), ...) val groupingBy : Grouping<User, Int> = users.groupingBy { it.age } groupingBy.eachCount() users.groupingBy { listOf(it.age, it.hasSudo) }.map{ ... }.fold{ ... } ``` ### No enough to implement data science life cycle! ??? More advanced slicing possible with so apart from the amazing language spec, what is in the stdlib for data science winter is coming --> summer is coming .. so another year no beachbody for details see --- # Check what else is out there * [tablesaw]( which is (according to its authors) the _The simplest way to slice data in Java_ * [Scala DataTable]( a lightweight, in-memory table structure written in Scala * [kotliquery]( is a handy database access library * [koma]( is a scientific computing library written in Kotlin * [joinery]( implements data frames for Java * [paleo]( which provides immutable Java 8 data frames with typed columns * [morpheus-core]( which is a data science framework implementing an R-like data-frame for the JVM * [vectorz]( is a fast and flexible numerical library for Java featuring N-dimensional arrays * [termsql]( converts text from a file or from stdin into SQL table using sqlite and query it instantly > ### Great stuff, but not feature-complete enough, maintained or _kotlinesque_ as needed for fluency and fun with data --- class: inverse # `krangl` .center[] > `krangl` is a {K}otlin library for data w{rangl}ing. By implementing a grammar of data manipulation using a modern functional-style API, it allows to filter, transform, aggregate and reshape tabular data. ??? Can we build a what pandas is for `python`, and `readr`+`tidyr`+`dplyr` are for R? --- # Data model of `krangl` What is a DataFrame? > A "tabular" data structure representing cases/records (rows), each of which consists of a number of observations or measurements (columns) ```kotlin interface DataFrame { val cols: List<DataCol> } abstract class DataCol(val name: String) { abstract fun values(): Array<*> } ``` * Implemented as column model to allow for vectorization where possible * Column implementations for `String?`, `Int?`, `Double?`, `Boolean?` and `Any?` * Internal length and type consistency checks (e.g. prevent duplicated column names) ??? Approached it from a naive forward orientied perspective colleagues: "Holger, work with vectors or you'll end up in hell" Nullable types core concept of Kotlin !! Def from --- # Get your data into krangl Define tables inline ```kotlin val users = dataFrameOf( "firstName", "lastName", "age", "hasSudo")( "max", "smith" , 53, false, "eva", "miller", 23, true, null , "meyer" , 23, null) ``` Read & write from tsv, csv, json, jdbc, etc. ``` kotlin val tornados = DataFrame.readCSV(pathAsStringFileOrUrl) // do stuff tornados.writeCSV(File("tornados.txt.gz")) ``` * Guess column types & default parameters * Built-in missing value support ??? low hanging fruits first --> the easy part try to match kotlin wording `dataFrameOf` --- background-image: url(images/nyc.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, inverse, center </p> # Predict NYC Taxi Trip Durations with Kotlin --- # What to expect from an API for table manipulation? > 90% of Data Science is *just* table integration! What are the essential verbs to manipulate tables? Learn from the best, learn from the **[`R::tidyverse`](**! .pull-left[ `tibble` - Data structures `tidyr` - Data preparation `purrr` - List Columns & nested tables `dplyr` - Data manipulation with _5+1_ verbs * Select columns with `select()` * Inspect subsets of data with `filter()` * Add new columns with `mutate()` * Reorder rows with `arrange()` * Summarise records with `summarise()` * Perform grouped operations after `group_by()` ] .pull-right[  ] ??? * Supported and condensed into amazing [cheatsheets]( by [rstudio]( Data model, `readCSV`, `addColumn`, `select`... What else do we need? How to design a fluent DSL/API? --- background-image: url(images/data_trafo_1_cs_checked.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 78% ??? some function intentionally left out, feasabilty prototype first --- background-image: url(images/data_trafo_2_cs_checked.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 78% --- background-image: url(images/nested_data_cs_checked.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 78% ??? nested tables exteremly powerful concept. --- background-image: url(images/tidyr_cs_checked.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 78% --- # Example: Summarize Flights by Date ```kotlin flightsData .groupBy("year", "month", "day") .select({ range("year", "day") }, { listOf("arr_delay", "dep_delay") }) .summarize( "mean_arr_delay" `=` { it["arr_delay"].mean(removeNA = true) }, "mean_dep_delay" to { it["dep_delay"].mean(removeNA = true) } ) .filter { (it["mean_arr_delay"] gt 30) OR (it["mean_dep_delay"] gt 30) } .sortedBy("mean_arr_delay") ``` ``` year month day mean_arr_delay mean_dep_delay 2013 10 11 18.9229 31.2318 2013 5 24 24.2574 30.3407 2013 6 2 26.075 34.0133 2013 6 26 27.3174 30.61175 2013 6 10 28.0222 30.61945 2013 7 8 29.6488 37.2966 2013 8 22 29.9767 33.6004 2013 2 27 31.252 37.7632 ``` ??? either `=` or to will go away most likely --- # To type or not to type? * _Static types_ are cool, but most data has no type * It's more robust/fun to use types and they allow for better design * Many data attributes are very fluent ```kotlin data class Employee(val id:Int, val name:String) val staffStats = listOf(Employee(1, "John"), Employee(2, "Anna")) .predictNumSickDays() // new type! .addPerformanceMetrics() // new type! .addSalaries() // new type! .correlationAnalysis() // odd generic signature :-| ``` * R/python lack static typing, which make such workflows more fluent/fun to write ```r staff %>% mutate(sick_days=predictSickDays(name)) %>% # table with another column left_join(userPerf) %>% # and some more columns left_join(salaries) %>% # and even more columns select_if(is.numeric) %>% correlate(type="spearman") # correlate numeric attributes ``` ??? defining types is a tedious process correlation via: --- # Wanted: Mix typed and untyped data `val dataFrame : DataFrame =` | `employee:Employee` | `sales:List<Sale>` | `age:Int` | `address:String` | `salary:Double` | |:-----|:-------------|:----|:-----|:--| | `Employee(23, "Max")` | `listOf(Sale(...), Sale())` | 23 | "Frankfurt" | 50.3E3 | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ```kotlin // aggregations like dataFrame.groupBy("age").count() dataFrame.summarize("mean_salary"){ mean(it["salaray"])} // integration like val df: DataFrame = dataFrame.leftJoin(otherDF) // transformations like dataFrame.addColumn("intial"){ it["employee"].map<Employee>{ }} ``` ??? 1st part: comparably straightforward, just look how the others do it 2nd: dive into reflection API assess if it would by any fun to work with such an API! * `pandas`/`tidyverse` like API to create, manipulate, reshape, combine and summarize data frames * methods to go back and forth between untyped and typed data --- # Ingest `Any`thing into tables Convert any `Iterable<T>` into a data-frame via extension function ```kotlin data class Person(val name:String, val age:Int) val persons :List<Person> = listOf(Person("Max", 23), Person("Anna", 43)) val personsDF: DataFrame = persons.asDataFrame() personsDF.print() ``` ```text age name 23 Max 43 Anna ``` Or deparse `Iterable<T>`s into data frames with `Iterable<T>.deparseRecords` ```kotlin val deparsedDF : DataFrame = persons.deparseRecords { mapOf( "User Name" to, "User Age" to it.age ) } ``` --- # Example: How to fit a linear regression model per group? Using or ```kotlin val irisModel = irisData .groupBy("Species") .summarize("lm") { val x = it["Sepal.Length"].asDoubles().filterNotNull().toDoubleArray() val y = it["Sepal.Width"].asDoubles().filterNotNull().toDoubleArray() val xTransposed = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(arrayOf(x)).transpose().data SimpleRegression().apply { addObservations(xTransposed, y) } } .unfold<SimpleRegression>("lm", properties = listOf("intercept", "slope")) ``` ``` Species lm slope intercept setosa org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression@66133adc 0.798 -0.5694 versicolor org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression@7bfcd12c 0.319 0.8721 virginica org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression@42f30e0a 0.2318 1.446 ``` --- background-image: url(images/nyc.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, inverse, center </p> # Predict NYC Taxi Trip Durations with Kotlin --- class: middle, inverse # Kotlin Stack for Data Science ### Interactive Shell ### Manipulation of typed and untyped data ## Data Visualization ### Report Rendering & Notebook Support --- # Some Existing Options * [Vegas]( Vega-lite wrapper, aims to be the missing MatPlotLib for Scala + Spark * [data2viz]( is a multi platform data visualization library with comprehensive DSL * [XChart]( is a light-weight Java library for plotting data * [Kubed]( is a Kotlin library for manipulating the JavaFX scenegraph based on data. * [Jzy3d]( is an open source java library that allows to easily draw 3d #surfaces, scatter plots, bar charts * [plotly-scala]( which provides scala bindings for plotly.js and works within jupyter More options: Do they allow for convenient fluent data-vis? -- ### 1. JVM graphics device project that works from Kotlin REPL, in Intellij, and in jupyter notebooks ### 2. Still no coherent `ggplot2` like framework with grammar for graphics --- background-image: url(images/ggplot_examples.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, center The grammar of graphics (Leland Wilkinson, 2005) # `plot` := ## `aesthetics` + `layers` + <br>`coordinates system` + `transformations` + ` facets` ??? `one or more layers` + `map variables from data space to visual space` + `coordinates system` + `statistical transformations` + `optional facets` --- class: inverse # `kravis` .center[] > `kravis` implements a grammar/DSL to create a wide range of plots using a standardized set of verbs. Internally, it is _just_ a more typesafe wrapper around `ggplot2`. ??? Can we build a what pandas is for `python`, and `readr`+`tidyr`+`dplyr` are for R? ---  ??? `kravis` is more typesafe wrapper around `ggplot2`, which is used for rendering. It can interface with R via various rendering backends ranging including your local R, dockerize R or even a remote webservice. It provides different frontend to inspect the plots. --- # Example: Tabular API .left-column50[ ```kotlin import krangl.* import kravis.* sleepData // calculate dream time proportion .addColumn("rem_proportion") { it["sleep_rem"] / it["sleep_total"] } // Analyze correlation .plot( x = "sleep_total", y = "rem_proportion", color = "vore", size = "brainwt" ) .geomPoint(alpha = 0.7) .guides(size = LegendType.none) .title("dream vs total sleep time") ``` ] .right-column50[  ] --- # Example: Typed API Use any `Iterable<T>` to build a plot. :-) .left-column50[ ```kotlin val sleepPatterns : List<SleepPattern> = ... // deparse records using property references sleepPatterns .plot( x = SleepPattern::sleep_rem, y = SleepPattern::sleep_total, color = SleepPattern::vore, size = SleepPattern::brainwt ) .geomPoint() .title("Correlation of total sleep " + "and and rem sleep by food preference") ``` ] .right-column50[  ] --- background-image: url(images/pca_background.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% # Perform a PCA Analaysis Using `krangl` + `kravis` + .left-column60[ ```kotlin val irisArray = irisData.remove("Species") .toDoubleMatrix().transpose() val pca = smile.projection.PCA(irisArray) // variance proportions pca.varianceProportion.toList().withIndex() .plot(x={ it.index}, y = {it.value}) .geomCol() .yLabel("% Variance Explained") val rotData = pca.project(irisArray) // PC1 vs PC2 scatter["Species"].asStrings()) .plot(x={ it.first[0]}, y={it.first[1]}, color = {it.second} ) .geomPoint() ``` ] .right-column40[ ] ??? ``` fun Array<out DoubleArray>.transpose(): Array<out DoubleArray>? = JMatrix(this).transpose().array() ``` --- background-image: url(images/nyc.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, inverse, center </p> # Predict NYC Taxi Trip Durations with Kotlin --- class: middle, inverse # Kotlin Stack for Data Science ### Interactive Shell ### Manipulation of typed and untyped data ### Data Visualization ## Report Rendering & Notebook Support --- ##  .left-column60[ > Open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Pros * Fast prototyping * Literate Programming * Great Narrative * Shareable insights without build process Cons * Collaboration is tricky * Versioning and code reviews are hard * Webapp not a real IDE substitute -> JupyterLab ] .right-column40[  ] ??? Very popular framework that is "Super-Charging Data Science" --- # Kotlin Notebooks? > A kernel provides programming language support in Jupyter. IPython is the default kernel. Additional kernels include R, Julia, and many more. Two competing kernels for Kotlin 1. * More established * Backed by JB * Friendly and responsive developers * Slow development process 2. > a collection of JVM kernels and interactive widgets for plotting, tables, auto-translation, and other extensions to Jupyter Notebook. * Very active, fast progress * Friendly and very responsive developers * Not __just__ a kernel * Display handler registry in kernel `krangl.beakerx.TableDisplayer.register()` ??? beakerx: adapaters for tablesaw and morpheus ---  ??? Definitely cool, but lacks effieciency because of missing tooling (error checking, compeltion, refactoring) --- background-image: url(images/spin_workflow.jpg) background-position: bottom background-size: 95% # Literate Programming > Build reports including source code, results, and <br>visualization from __code__ * `python`: `notedown` + `nbconvert` * `R`: `knitr::knitr` -> `knit` -> `pandoc` -- # `kts` -> **????** --> html ??? R -> (**Speakers choice!**) * IDE markdown support very good * Kotln code chunk support not usable ## Can we do this with Kotlin? --- # Yes we can, `kts`->`markdown`->`jupyter`->`html` ```bash inputScript=krangl_example_report.kts reportName=$(basename $inputScript .kts) # Rscript - ${inputScript} <<"EOF" knitr::spin(commandArgs(T)[1], doc = "^//'[ ]?", knit=F) EOF # kscript -t ' { it.replace("{r }", "")}.print()' ${reportName}.Rmd > ${reportName}.md # notedown ${reportName}.md > ${reportName}.ipynb # jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=kotlin \ --execute --to html ${reportName}.ipynb --output ${reportName} ``` Proof-of-Concept, until kernel has evolved ( [type handlers]( + multiple cell outputs) ??? the geeky corner All but the last step could be reworked into a standalone tool. Alternative approaches? --- background-image: url(images/nyc.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 100% class: middle, inverse, center </p> # Predict NYC Taxi Trip Durations with Kotlin --- # Next steps: Evolve Libraries ### > Promising API experiment & Great learning experience ### `krangl` * Performance (compressed columns, backend implementation) * More bindings & examples to other data-science libraries (smile, d4j, spark, xgboost) * Evolve API to become more streamlined and _kotlineseque_ ### `kravis` * Increase API coverage * Stability in kshell --- # Next steps: Evolve Tooling ### > Promising tooling experiment & Great learning experience jupyter * [#12]( Support for custom type handlers * [#20]( Allow for multiple cell outputs * `DependsOnMaven` is not repeatable IDE tooling * [KT-11473]( Allow debugging of Kotlin scripts Shell * Fix REPL issues * Rethink REPL concept in ide (kshell integration, better scripting) Ongoing [KEEP75 - Kotlin Scripting Support]( to harmonize Dependency Management between different tools ??? ### Raise your voice and vote on `kts` support not yet ready for prime time graphics device: extension points + plugin * Embedded REPL output? dedicated tool window? Make the world a better place by raising... kotlin conf rumours about **Data-Science IDE** --- class: inverse # Summary ### _Yes we can_ build predictive models using Kotlin. There's a fascinating JVM data science ecosystem out there, ready to be unleashed on your data ### `krangl` is a {K}otlin library for data w{rangl}ing. It allows to filter, transform, aggregate and reshape tabular data ### `kravis` implements a convenient DSL to create a wide range of plots ### Tooling and Libraries are still evolving! ##### **Thanks to Kotlin and IDE team @JetBrains, github community, R/tidyverse community, <br>Scientific Computing Facility @ Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics** Slides Repo: ??? evolving: Kotlin is young `krangl` tries to bring pandas/dplyr to Kotlin